AMP: Program Context Specific Buffer Caching

The goal of this project is to exploit consistent patterns of file accesses from the same contexts of applications to improve file system caching performance. We developed ways to detect these patterns and a buffer cache structure to use the detection results.

Work Abstract

Adaptive Multi-Policy disk caching (AMP) is a technique that uses multiple caching policies within one application, and adapts both which policies to use and their relative fraction of the cache, based on program-context specific information. AMP differentiate disk requests based on the program contexts, or code locations, that issue them. Compared to recent work, AMP is unique in that it employs a new robust scheme for detecting looping patterns in access streams, as well as a low-overhead randomized way of managing many cache partitions. We show that AMP outperforms non-detection-based caching algorithms on a variety of workloads by up to 50% in miss rate reduction. Compared to other detection-based schemes, we show that AMP detects access patterns more accurately for a series of synthesized workloads, and incurs up to 15% fewer misses for one application trace.

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Maintainer: Feng Zhou, 2004-2005 Last updated: 2015/7/26