EZelect - a simple Web-based election script in PHP
EZelect is a PHP script useful for conducting Web-based elections for small
organizations. It's very simple and easy to use. The script is originally written for
and used in the 2005/2006 presidential election of Berkeley Chinese Students and
Scholars Association (BCSSA).
- No database needed. All information is stored in plain-text files
- Works on Unix servers like Linux, Solaris
- Authenticating voters by their email. Can be configured to allow votes from users
with emails like @organization.org. One email address casts at most one vote.
- Supports two types of elections, one letting each voter votes for one of multiple
candidates, another letting each voter approve or dis-approve a single candidate.
It should be easy to add more types of elections.
- Outputs all votes in plain text file. Use of 'grep' to process the results should
be enough in most cases.
See README for usage notes (also included in the package above).
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